A great article, again, by Barbara Hand-Clow on the coming Uruanus ()/Pluto (
) square (
She discussed the South Node of the moon () (not shown below), which would be at 27 degrees Taurus, opposite the North Node (
). Further info about the Nodes can be found here.
I find the Vedic astrological mythology fascinating, also. The terminology and symbols can be confusing, so I've included some. Squares are hard aspects, problems to be solved as it were. Trines are positive, supporting aspects that enhance the energies of planets.
As a therapist, I really resonate with the message of healing coming through with the Sun trine the South Node. Virgo is the sign of the healer and deals with all manner of issues related to health - food, exercise, hygiene, etc.
Also shown here is a Saturn/Neptune trine. I found this info interesting: 'You're skillful in gaining secret information, solving mysteries and analyzing the subtle factors of business investment and stocks"
In the chart below, there's a lot of activity in the 4th House of Home. Concurrently, Saturn is conjunct the imum coeli here, also a symbol for home/mother, which is to say, it's opposite the mid-heaven, or mid-coeli. Here's some info on that:
Expect a lot of activity in this realm of your life personally. It is already occurring here in my home life. Mars is at home in Scorpio and will do much tenacious digging and active pursuit of those goals of Scorpio in the 4th House. There's certainly a lot of "truth" in Washington D.C. that needs to come out!
All in all, these successive Uranus/Pluto squares are "rattling the cages", as it were. Expect the changes. Use the energies. Don't focus on the negative outside world. That's important. The outside world is very much a distraction from what most of us want to accomplish in our personal lives. If you have the misfortune of being caught up in one of these sensational events, then it is your immediate world and you were meant to be there. Syria, Iran, Aurora, CO...if you're not there, it wasn't meant for you!
In the words of my favorite internet destination, Red Ice Creations:
"Be Here Now"