Thursday, August 30, 2007


Met up with a guy from MTBR and got a ride in at Bootleg Canyon ( What a cool place. You'll be seeing more of me out there as the weather takes it's turn to "cooler" know, like the 90s and, dare I say it, 80s?!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

las vegas update

It's been a hectic month with the move and all, but we're finally settling in and getting on with life. Probably one of the most harrowing things about moving to a new state is all the change of address and I.D.s that is required. We've had to jump through a variety of hoops in order to acheive any sense of progress. It is frustrating to say the least and living in a city with 2 million people makes offices busier and lines much longer. In order to be a massage therapist, I've had to apply for a state license, which while being $300, takes 4-8 months to receive. They do allow people to work for 90 days on a temp license, but hold that application for 30 days after receiving it (to fill the gap on the 4 month wait). In the meantime, I was offered a job at the Oleans Casino Spa. Currently, I'm waiting for that damned license to come back to start working. On top of that, the state of North Carolina has put a hold on driver's license for tickets I received (and cleared!!!!) over 10 years ago (they want $50 - hey, isn't extortion illegal? Oh yeah, not if a gov't does it!). On top of that, I needed to get a health card to be a CMT (shots for TB and Hep A- $50) and a new Social Security card (haven't needed that in YEARS). All in all, we've spent hours upon hours at various NV gov't offices (and we're not done yet!).

In the meantime, we've been going out to the local hotspots a lot and have learned how to work the system, getting in free just about everywhere and often drinking with discounts, coupons or other such charity (bartenders love to share!). We went to one show, La Reve at Wynn. It was FABULOUS! Highly recommend it. It's been too hot to really get out into the mtns and trails yet, but it's starting to slowly cool off. It makes the pool a popular destination. So far, we've gone to Studio 54 at MGM (2X), Light at Bellagio (2X), Caramel at Bellagio (2X) and House of Blues at Mandalay Bay (2X). This really only scratches the surface of what's here, but it's a good start, IMO. Here's some random pics from those evenings:

Recently, we took a trip up to Rachel, NV, the famed home of Area 51. It's a remote place and the entire town is populated by only 98 people. There's not much to do there, but it's a novelty, kinda like Leadville in Colorado. Here's some pics - sorry, no UFOs on this trip!

Check out the City of Loveland sticker on this sign! How funny! We didn't do it, though :)

Any kind of alien souvenier you can think of is sold at this place. It's the town hotel/bar/casino/restaurant/camping site. They do it all!

Nothing but blue sky in Nevada.

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