Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas New Moon

An entire season has passed without a post (Autumn).  Astrologically, we've seen the end of the Mayan calendar, eclipses, new moons, solstices, exuinoxes, planets retrograde, planets direct and so much more.  I do a lot of this research independently and I don't want to write it out again, so I'll simply post some links and allow the reader to figure it all out.

Either way, this is a great time to make intentions, best new moon of the year because it's on the tails of the Winter Solstice and preceding Jupiter going direct whereby all of the planets will be direct for a short time giving this new moon a great push forward towards the Full Moon in January.  Make some wishes people!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Its New Moon time again...

The Equinox came in with a "BANG!" on Fri last week, with hectic energies swirling about at work.  It was almost overwhelming.  It also brought changing to my financial stability and while I believe that everything is for the best, it's a little difficult to see the future right now.

Not only did the Sun move into Libra (party sign! and sign of relationships and balance), but we opened Night Six of the Universal Underworld in the Mayan Calendar.  It would seem that things are lining right up!  For more on that, look here:

There's info there for both the Equinox and the New Moon.

That being writ, here are my intentions for this Moon:

I intend to secure some long term financial stability, something that will be fulfilling, challenging and enjoyable, providing me the "energy" I need to accomplish those things I desire most, independence, freedom and choice.  

I intend to exercise more often, losing 10lbs, in a healthy way, improving my health across the board through the use of supplements, probiotics, good food and smarter foundational choices in nutrition.

I intend to make more money this month than I did last month!


Ok, that's it for now, good luck to everyone.  Only one more cycle before the Mayan Calendar ends on 10/28/11.  This is our time...

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Its a new moon tonight and I've been way too long in blogging my intentions.  This moon is in Virgo and all indications are thats a good time to make intention to "do" stuff, as Virgo is a task oriented sign.  Sadly, I have no idea what I wanna do.  I've been in a bit of a rut since mid July, maybe even June.  Summer has gone quickly indeed, yet I feel like I'm stuck energetically.  No matter, here we go:


I intend to SOLVE my financial issues.

I intend to get a new car, one with better gas mileage AND that chicks will dig (just kidding...kinda)

I intend to resolve all 3rd Chakra energetic issues.

I intend to become a better practitioner of reiki.


Ok, good enough.  I'm going to be blogging more as I feel there's much people need to know and I believe are going through along with the rest of their peers at this time.  There are only two months left before the Mayan calendar ends and the time compression has been intense.

Chat again soon,


Wednesday, June 01, 2011

New moon and eclipse in Gemini

June 1st is both a new moon and an eclipse.  Time to catalog few wishes!  And because the sun is "eclipsed", this site notes that we may have trouble knowing what to wish for (I'm feeling that now).  I like to read my sun, rising and moon signs for a more accurate forecast:


I wish to accomplish a healthy and lasting outcome to my debt issues.

I wish to progress in my success at massage therapy and perhaps add new skills, in a healthy way.

I wish to spend more time outdoors, enjoying nature and Spring.

I wish to achieve and further a better sense of health and vitality.


Good luck to all of you this last month of Spring.  Happy Birthday to my Gemini friends wherever you may be.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Seasonality/NEW resolutions

Recently I've noticed far more activity at my local gym.  I think we understand the idea of true seasonality better than we think...or maybe we simply ignore the ideas of time and season as they are presented to us.  I blogged before that the so-called "New Year" was a terrible time to start a new fitness or (die)t program because it doesn't carry the energy along for the rest of the year.  Where it does make sense is in the Spring, under the sign of Aires:

"The Spring Equinox is the time to identify the intentions we wish to fulfill during the four seasons. Ideas correctly seeded at the Spring Equinox manifest for a year, and I will offer instructions for correctly seeding ideas and manifesting them through the rest of the seasons. During the Summer Solstice, the time has arrived to birth these ideas into recognizable form, like a forming fetus. The Fall Equinox is the time to flesh out, balance, and assess these creations and to weed things out that just are not working. Then the Winter Solstice is the time to enter into deep contemplation to imagine how our personal creations assist others and the planet."

For the Western world, the season energies are wrongly utilized.  Certainly, people can begin to recognize that the unabated consumerism of the "holiday" season, which has nothing to do with any kind of spiritual pursuit, has been a poor tradition.  It seems each year, people need more and more stuff,  bigger and better things.  Winter is really the time to clear out the clutter.  Instead, we all just create more chaos!  Am I the only one who feels that this system is backwards?  Well, I know I'm not, but do you feel it...and do nothing but participate? Bah humbug...

"The Winter Solstice is the time to be brutally honest and evaluate whether our ideas enhance others or whether they may actually be detrimental for evolution. A sweet elixir of knowing comes the day of the Winter Solstice when the light begins to return, and each one of us can put greater realities above our personal desires. It is no accident that in Western cultures commercial Christmas is inserted just when people are amazingly psychic and attuned! I suggest you cancel Santa Claus during the Winter Solstice and spend three months reflecting on what you've created during the year."

Anyway, I wanted to note that Spring has arrived and I see people subconsciously doing what they're supposed to with this new, forward moving energy.  At least as far as workout programs go.  They feel summer on the horizon and are excited to leave the isolation and cold of winter behind.  I think that people actually know, intuitively, what these energies hold for them.  Now to bring that knowing to a conscious level and harness it in other areas.  This is what I've been trying to do with such events as the new moon and mercury retrograde as well as other major events in my life.  I'm working hard to understand the cycles, the "frequency" of certain energetic events, people and places.

These cycles exist in all cultures.  This site ties in the Western astrology with the Mayan calendar quite nicely.  The Mayan calendar is another way of looking at cycles from a much broader perspective, over longer periods of time.  It's not about destruction or the ending of things, but it is about cycles of energy and we can utilize the energy of the cycle we're in.  We're now in the 9th Underworld of the Mayan calendar and it's divided into 7 days and 6 nights.  It's fascinating to note that on day one of the Universal Underworld began with 9.0 magnitude it what you will, but there's either some truth to it all or we're somehow "making" it happen.  Either way, it's quite difficult to wrap your head around when your spending all your time watch Dancing With the Stars...With the days and nights occurring every 18 days, you should begin to feel time compressing all around you.  I know I have.  The last 6 months for me have moved so fast that I can hardly recall where I've come from and where I've gone.  I don't know where that time went.  This year will be the fastest of our lives, I predict.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

New Moon in Aires

Aires is the first sign of the zodiac.  It's also really the first sign of a "new year" and I feel we should change our way of thinking on that to get back to the more natural cycles of the solar system.  Our disjointed way of seeing ourselves in relationship to the place in which we exist, is the real reason that we're harming so many things in our environment.  If we felt a part of our surroundings, we'd be less likely to damage them, because we'd understand better what effect that has on us directly.

This month, the new moon is in Aires and offers us an opportunity to use the strong, forward-moving and direct energy to wish for new beginnings...

Since my horoscope and planetary aspects seem to deal mostly with career, I'll will focus on that:

I wish to progress my financial improvement and good fortune in a healthy way.

I wish to continue living in the NOW and allowing myself to enjoy life as I'm seeing it in the moment.

I wish to reconnect with Stephanie, in a healthy way, to alleviate past hurts.

I wish to commune with nature more as Spring emerges.

You can look at your monthly forecast and perhaps develop wishes upon the new moon for yourself:


Friday, March 25, 2011


Twenty days ago, I posted wishes upon the New Moon of March 4.  I can honestly say that everything I noted there has come to pass.  Did this work magically or was it my own creation?  I don't know and honestly, it doesn't matter.  Perhaps its just enough that I wrote them down.  Highly recommended as a method for your own creation.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Wishing Upon a (new) Moon

March, new moon, I'm writing here, my wishes upon it; for further info on that, check out this blog by psychic and astrologer, Dori Alsop Paden:

"For anyone interested in working with wishes and the new moon, there will be another one on 3/4/2011 (a week from today) at 12:46 PM Pacific Time (3:46 PM Eastern time). For those of you in Europe (GMT), that would be 8:46 PM, and in Australia (depending on where you live), jump ahead another nine and a half or ten hours (from GMT) into the 5th of March"

1. I want to remove all feelings of scarcity from my experience, in a healthy way.

 2. I want to remove all fears of scarcity from my experience, in a healthy way.

3. I want to remove all feelings of sadness, regret, remorse, longing, unwanted desire, despair, fear, anxiety and abandonment in my past relationships, especially with Stephanie   and Crystal, in a healthy way.

4. I want to transmute all romantic love into the pure light of love and creation in regards to my relationship with Stephanie, in a healthy way.

Ok, there's my wish list as it were.  A co-worker says that if you don't write it down, it doesn't exist.  So, here it is, written down, from my heart, broken as it has been.

In this link, there's much more information on this new moon and some important dates approaching, like 3/9, the last phase of the Galactic Underworld in the Mayan Calendar and a 20x speed up in time (holy!), 3/11 Uranus in Aires (read: Revolution), and 3/20, the Vernal Equinox.  March will be a busy month...not to mention Mardi Gras and St Patrick's Day, co-mingled with many friends and coworkers going on vacations and spring breaks.

From this link, read about global astrology and how it's affecting us on a wide scale (scroll through to Pisces New Moon: March 4, 2011 3:46:50 PM EST:)

"The breakthrough is unstoppable because people will not pull back, since Jupiter is racing ahead in Aries and Uranus follows into Aries on March 11"  

I have felt a restless desire to drive my ambitions further, particularly with a relationship and I'm sure this is part of it.

 "Many have processed deep core wounds and learned to spiritualize intentions, the basic preparation for the surrender to the greater whole, the path to Oneness."

I and others have discussed this and I've noticed it on many, many levels with people in passing. As a massage therapist, I come across many people and am in a position to "feel" their emotions on an intimate level.  Recently, at the end of a two hour massage, a client of mine began openly crying.  I don't know what he was feeling, but I know that somewhere, he'd broken through something.  It's all around us and I've felt a great sadness which initially I believed to be my own due to recent events in my life, but I have come to conclude that it's far more than that, that a collective  sadness has enveloped us here in Michigan and it's soon time to release that.  Thank goodness...*sigh*.

If you've been affected, if you have a story, I'd like to hear it.  I like to know that I am not alone, that what you're feeling is what I'm feeling.  How are you coping?  Do you find that the old way of drinking your sorrows away only exacerbates your feelings?  I sure have!  Makes drinking just an expensive waste of time!

Good luck friends, lovers, family members.  Support one another now, we need it more than ever.

Wishing Upon a (new)Moon

March, new moon, I'm writing here, my wishes upon it; for further info on that, check out this blog by psychic and astrologer, Dori Alsop Paden:

"For anyone interested in working with wishes and the new moon, there will be another one on 3/4/2011 (a week from today) at 12:46 PM Pacific Time (3:46 PM Eastern time). For those of you in Europe (GMT), that would be 8:46 PM, and in Australia (depending on where you live), jump ahead another nine and a half or ten hours (from GMT) into the 5th of March"

1. I want to remove all feelings of scarcity from my experience, in a healthy way.

 2. I want to remove all fears of scarcity from my experience, in a healthy way.

3. I want to remove all feelings of sadness, regret, remorse, longing, unwanted desire, despair, fear, anxiety and abandonment in my past relationships, especially with Stephanie   and Crystal, in a healthy way.

4. I want to transmute all romantic love into the pure light of love and creation in regards to my relationship with Stephanie, in a healthy way.

Ok, there's my wish list as it were.  A co-worker says that if you don't write it down, it doesn't exist.  So, here it is, written down, from my heart, broken as it has been.

In this link, there's much more information on this new moon and some important dates approaching, like 3/9, the last phase of the Galactic Underworld in the Mayan Calendar and a 20x speed up in time (holy!), 3/11 Uranus in Aires (read: Revolution), and 3/20, the Vernal Equinox.  March will be a busy month...not to mention Mardi Gras and St Patrick's Day, co-mingled with many friends and coworkers going on vacations and spring breaks.

From this link, read about global astrology and how it's affecting us on a wide scale (scroll through to Pisces New Moon: March 4, 2011 3:46:50 PM EST:)

"The breakthrough is unstoppable because people will not pull back, since Jupiter is racing ahead in Aries and Uranus follows into Aries on March 11"  

I have felt a restless desire to drive my ambitions further, particularly with a relationship and I'm sure this is part of it.

 "Many have processed deep core wounds and learned to spiritualize intentions, the basic preparation for the surrender to the greater whole, the path to Oneness."

I and others have discussed this and I've noticed it on many, many levels with people in passing. As a massage therapist, I come across many people and am in a position to "feel" their emotions on an intimate level.  Recently, at the end of a two hour massage, a client of mine began openly crying.  I don't know what he was feeling, but I know that somewhere, he'd broken through something.  It's all around us and I've felt a great sadness which initially I believed to be my own due to recent events in my life, but I have come to conclude that it's far more than that, that a collective  sadness has enveloped us here in Michigan and it's soon time to release that.  Thank goodness...*sigh*.

If you've been affected, if you have a story, I'd like to hear it.  I like to know that I am not alone, that what you're feeling is what I'm feeling.  How are you coping?  Do you find that the old way of drinking your sorrows away only exacerbates your feelings?  I sure have!  Makes drinking just an expensive waste of time!

Good luck friends, lovers, family members.  Support one another now, we need it more than ever.

Wishing Upon a (new)Moon

March, new moon, I'm writing here, my wishes upon it; for further info on that, check out this blog by psychic and astrologer, Dori Alsop Paden:

"For anyone interested in working with wishes and the new moon, there will be another one on 3/4/2011 (a week from today) at 12:46 PM Pacific Time (3:46 PM Eastern time). For those of you in Europe (GMT), that would be 8:46 PM, and in Australia (depending on where you live), jump ahead another nine and a half or ten hours (from GMT) into the 5th of March"

1. I want to remove all feelings of scarcity from my experience, in a healthy way.

 2. I want to remove all fears of scarcity from my experience, in a healthy way.

3. I want to remove all feelings of sadness, regret, remorse, longing, unwanted desire, despair, fear, anxiety and abandonment in my past         relationships, especially with Stephanie and Crystal, in a healthy way.

4. I want to transmute all romantic love into the pure light of love and creation in regards to my relationship with Stephanie, in a healthy way.

Ok, there's my wish list as it were.  A co-worker says that if you don't write it down, it doesn't exist.  So, here it is, written down, from my heart, broken as it has been.

In this link, there's much more information on this new moon and some important dates approaching, like 3/9, the last phase of the Galactic Underworld in the Mayan Calendar and a 20x speed up in time (holy!), 3/11 Uranus in Aires (read: Revolution), and 3/20, the Vernal Equinox.  March will be a busy month...not to mention Mardi Gras and St Patrick's Day, co-mingled with many friends and coworkers going on vacations and spring breaks.

From this link, read about global astrology and how it's affecting us on a wide scale (scroll through to Pisces New Moon: March 4, 2011 3:46:50 PM EST:)

"The breakthrough is unstoppable because people will not pull back, since Jupiter is racing ahead in Aries and Uranus follows into Aries on March 11"  

I have felt a restless desire to drive my ambitions further, particularly with a relationship and I'm sure this is part of it.

 "Many have processed deep core wounds and learned to spiritualize intentions, the basic preparation for the surrender to the greater whole, the path to Oneness."  


















Wishing Upon a (new)Moon

March, new moon, I'm writing here, my wishes upon it; for further info on that, check out this blog by psychic and astrologer, Dori Alsop Paden:

"For anyone interested in working with wishes and the new moon, there will be another one on 3/4/2011 (a week from today) at 12:46 PM Pacific Time (3:46 PM Eastern time). For those of you in Europe (GMT), that would be 8:46 PM, and in Australia (depending on where you live), jump ahead another nine and a half or ten hours (from GMT) into the 5th of March"

1. I want to remove all feelings of scarcity from my experience, in a healthy way.

2. I want to remove all fears of scarcity from my experience, in a healthy way.

3. I want to remove all feelings of sadness, regret, remorse, longing, unwanted desire, despair, fear, anxiety and abandonment in my past         relationships, especially with Stephanie and Crystal, in a healthy way.

4. I want to transmute all romantic love into the pure light of love and creation in regards to my relationship with Stephanie, in a healthy way.

Ok, there's my wish list as it were.  A co-worker says that if you don't write it down, it doesn't exist.  So, here it is, written down, from my heart, broken as it has been.

In this link, there's much more information on this new moon and some important dates approaching, like 3/9, the last phase of the Galactic Underworld in the Mayan Calendar and a 20x speed up in time (holy!), 3/11 Uranus in Aires (read: Revolution), and 3/20, the Vernal Equinox.  March will be a busy month...not to mention Mardi Gras and St Patrick's Day, co-mingled with many friends and coworkers going on vacations and spring breaks.

From this link, read about global astrology and how it's affecting us on a wide scale (scroll through to Pisces New Moon: March 4, 2011 3:46:50 PM EST:)

"The breakthrough is unstoppable because people will not pull back, since Jupiter is racing ahead in Aries and Uranus follows into Aries on March 11"  

I have felt a restless desire to drive my ambitions further, particularly with a relationship and I'm sure this is part of it.

"Many have processed deep core wounds and learned to spiritualize intentions, the basic preparation for the surrender to the greater whole, the path to Oneness."  




Sunday, January 30, 2011


We are in a tumultuous time, collectively and individually.  This is my perspective, anyway.  Many people I know are going through profound life changes, the global community is in deep conflict economically, socially and spiritually and the planet itself is utterly changing.  The magnetic pole is shifting and at least two different arctic communities have noticed that the sun actually appeared to them 2 days earlier this winter than it should have.  For that to happen, the planet would have to shift on it's axis.  Global warming may or may not be happening, there's been far too much contradiction and outright lies about it, but if it's true it would be evidence of what this person is saying in this two hour interview:

That Gaia, our planet, Earth, our Mother, is changing into a star.  To do that, or concurrently with, he says, the planet will need to find it's center on it's axis.  The Earth is ascending and WE are destined to go with it.  Stuart Wilde says there are doorways to some other place(s) and they are soon to open for us to ascend through.  He talks about Gaia, the animals and our own personal changes, here:

Time compression (science recently backed this information up with a report that the Sun emits a particle that is changing carbon dating information), the Mayan calendar, astrology  ( united to paint the same picture here.  That we are at the end of an era.  We will be given a choice in the end and the way we're living now will probably define your preference for the options offered us.  More corroborating info could be found here, too:

In my life, I have really begun to resonate with the information that has come my way.  I feel I've searched for somethings I was not meant find, often being completely alone and solitary.  I've never felt compelled to ally myself with any "system", religion, gov't, New Age, etc.  In many ways, I've lived my life through the ideas found in John Lennon's "Imagine".  Though, I've never known my purpose.  I've loved as best I could, never to have that ideal, lasting relationship as we're programmed to believe in.  But now what I see is that people are on all different levels, all different paths and it's difficult for us to actually be on the same path, unless in fact it was our purpose to walk that path together;  soul mates, as it were, or "Twin Flames", if you read the New Age information.  I've not been famous or successful, never wanted for anything much more than I've ever had.  But what I'm "feeling" now is a movement within my purpose at different levels, being drawn to certain locations, maybe certain people, family at this time, right now.  I'm struggling against what I want and what I must do, but apparently it's as though I'm being separated from attachments (as are many people who are losing houses, jobs and relationships) so that I might better be able to leave without longing or regret, so that I might not choose to follow another on a path that isn't mine, or some other such purpose which isn't for me.

There's a lot of information here.  A lot of ideas that are way beyond the boundaries of our modern culture.  Much of it, in fact, is contained in ancient cultures but that the cycle is ending, it's becoming known again.  Open your mind and your heart, perhaps something here will help you in your hard times as it has me.  Maybe an idea may resonate with you that will give you hope.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The Isisian Codes: more on words and language

More on words and spells, a recent radio program on highlighted the study of words and their ancient origins.  Also, relating letters as symbols (think of how the 3, E, M and W are really just the same thing) and numerical values (English based on pi).  Really fascinating stuff!  Check it out here:


There's also a blog for much more in-depth research for the interested at:

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