Monday, April 04, 2011

Seasonality/NEW resolutions

Recently I've noticed far more activity at my local gym.  I think we understand the idea of true seasonality better than we think...or maybe we simply ignore the ideas of time and season as they are presented to us.  I blogged before that the so-called "New Year" was a terrible time to start a new fitness or (die)t program because it doesn't carry the energy along for the rest of the year.  Where it does make sense is in the Spring, under the sign of Aires:

"The Spring Equinox is the time to identify the intentions we wish to fulfill during the four seasons. Ideas correctly seeded at the Spring Equinox manifest for a year, and I will offer instructions for correctly seeding ideas and manifesting them through the rest of the seasons. During the Summer Solstice, the time has arrived to birth these ideas into recognizable form, like a forming fetus. The Fall Equinox is the time to flesh out, balance, and assess these creations and to weed things out that just are not working. Then the Winter Solstice is the time to enter into deep contemplation to imagine how our personal creations assist others and the planet."

For the Western world, the season energies are wrongly utilized.  Certainly, people can begin to recognize that the unabated consumerism of the "holiday" season, which has nothing to do with any kind of spiritual pursuit, has been a poor tradition.  It seems each year, people need more and more stuff,  bigger and better things.  Winter is really the time to clear out the clutter.  Instead, we all just create more chaos!  Am I the only one who feels that this system is backwards?  Well, I know I'm not, but do you feel it...and do nothing but participate? Bah humbug...

"The Winter Solstice is the time to be brutally honest and evaluate whether our ideas enhance others or whether they may actually be detrimental for evolution. A sweet elixir of knowing comes the day of the Winter Solstice when the light begins to return, and each one of us can put greater realities above our personal desires. It is no accident that in Western cultures commercial Christmas is inserted just when people are amazingly psychic and attuned! I suggest you cancel Santa Claus during the Winter Solstice and spend three months reflecting on what you've created during the year."

Anyway, I wanted to note that Spring has arrived and I see people subconsciously doing what they're supposed to with this new, forward moving energy.  At least as far as workout programs go.  They feel summer on the horizon and are excited to leave the isolation and cold of winter behind.  I think that people actually know, intuitively, what these energies hold for them.  Now to bring that knowing to a conscious level and harness it in other areas.  This is what I've been trying to do with such events as the new moon and mercury retrograde as well as other major events in my life.  I'm working hard to understand the cycles, the "frequency" of certain energetic events, people and places.

These cycles exist in all cultures.  This site ties in the Western astrology with the Mayan calendar quite nicely.  The Mayan calendar is another way of looking at cycles from a much broader perspective, over longer periods of time.  It's not about destruction or the ending of things, but it is about cycles of energy and we can utilize the energy of the cycle we're in.  We're now in the 9th Underworld of the Mayan calendar and it's divided into 7 days and 6 nights.  It's fascinating to note that on day one of the Universal Underworld began with 9.0 magnitude it what you will, but there's either some truth to it all or we're somehow "making" it happen.  Either way, it's quite difficult to wrap your head around when your spending all your time watch Dancing With the Stars...With the days and nights occurring every 18 days, you should begin to feel time compressing all around you.  I know I have.  The last 6 months for me have moved so fast that I can hardly recall where I've come from and where I've gone.  I don't know where that time went.  This year will be the fastest of our lives, I predict.

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