Sunday, January 05, 2014

Gemini dreams under a Piscean moon

I just watched Michelle Williams portrayal of Marylin Monroe in "My Week with Marylin".  The representation reminded me so much of my wife, herself a Gemini; how similar they all seem.  Tortured, haunted, vivacious and captivating and oh so effervescent.  The tighter you try to cling, the faster they seem to slip away.  As the moon lies in Pisces, and with Neptune resting in its home sign, I expect to be "dreamy".  But this is different...something lingers in my mind, I can't find it, it's as delicate as that sad Gemini, it's love and loss rolled together, a lingering touch of skin, the scent of delicate hair and the suffering of being unable to stop it from going.  I lived that story, captivated by my own Marylin.  Missing them both today.

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