Sunday, January 30, 2011


We are in a tumultuous time, collectively and individually.  This is my perspective, anyway.  Many people I know are going through profound life changes, the global community is in deep conflict economically, socially and spiritually and the planet itself is utterly changing.  The magnetic pole is shifting and at least two different arctic communities have noticed that the sun actually appeared to them 2 days earlier this winter than it should have.  For that to happen, the planet would have to shift on it's axis.  Global warming may or may not be happening, there's been far too much contradiction and outright lies about it, but if it's true it would be evidence of what this person is saying in this two hour interview:

That Gaia, our planet, Earth, our Mother, is changing into a star.  To do that, or concurrently with, he says, the planet will need to find it's center on it's axis.  The Earth is ascending and WE are destined to go with it.  Stuart Wilde says there are doorways to some other place(s) and they are soon to open for us to ascend through.  He talks about Gaia, the animals and our own personal changes, here:

Time compression (science recently backed this information up with a report that the Sun emits a particle that is changing carbon dating information), the Mayan calendar, astrology  ( united to paint the same picture here.  That we are at the end of an era.  We will be given a choice in the end and the way we're living now will probably define your preference for the options offered us.  More corroborating info could be found here, too:

In my life, I have really begun to resonate with the information that has come my way.  I feel I've searched for somethings I was not meant find, often being completely alone and solitary.  I've never felt compelled to ally myself with any "system", religion, gov't, New Age, etc.  In many ways, I've lived my life through the ideas found in John Lennon's "Imagine".  Though, I've never known my purpose.  I've loved as best I could, never to have that ideal, lasting relationship as we're programmed to believe in.  But now what I see is that people are on all different levels, all different paths and it's difficult for us to actually be on the same path, unless in fact it was our purpose to walk that path together;  soul mates, as it were, or "Twin Flames", if you read the New Age information.  I've not been famous or successful, never wanted for anything much more than I've ever had.  But what I'm "feeling" now is a movement within my purpose at different levels, being drawn to certain locations, maybe certain people, family at this time, right now.  I'm struggling against what I want and what I must do, but apparently it's as though I'm being separated from attachments (as are many people who are losing houses, jobs and relationships) so that I might better be able to leave without longing or regret, so that I might not choose to follow another on a path that isn't mine, or some other such purpose which isn't for me.

There's a lot of information here.  A lot of ideas that are way beyond the boundaries of our modern culture.  Much of it, in fact, is contained in ancient cultures but that the cycle is ending, it's becoming known again.  Open your mind and your heart, perhaps something here will help you in your hard times as it has me.  Maybe an idea may resonate with you that will give you hope.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

The Isisian Codes: more on words and language

More on words and spells, a recent radio program on highlighted the study of words and their ancient origins.  Also, relating letters as symbols (think of how the 3, E, M and W are really just the same thing) and numerical values (English based on pi).  Really fascinating stuff!  Check it out here:


There's also a blog for much more in-depth research for the interested at:

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