Sunday, August 28, 2011


Its a new moon tonight and I've been way too long in blogging my intentions.  This moon is in Virgo and all indications are thats a good time to make intention to "do" stuff, as Virgo is a task oriented sign.  Sadly, I have no idea what I wanna do.  I've been in a bit of a rut since mid July, maybe even June.  Summer has gone quickly indeed, yet I feel like I'm stuck energetically.  No matter, here we go:


I intend to SOLVE my financial issues.

I intend to get a new car, one with better gas mileage AND that chicks will dig (just kidding...kinda)

I intend to resolve all 3rd Chakra energetic issues.

I intend to become a better practitioner of reiki.


Ok, good enough.  I'm going to be blogging more as I feel there's much people need to know and I believe are going through along with the rest of their peers at this time.  There are only two months left before the Mayan calendar ends and the time compression has been intense.

Chat again soon,


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