Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I've seein a lot of birds of prey lately.  They've come close to me, within a few feet, closer than I've ever seen (except for one amzing flyover by a bald eagle on a canoe trip!).  Looking at Michigan's bird species, its probably some kind of hawk, Coopers or Sharp Shinned:


The hawk totem is thus:

Hawk is the messenger, the protector and the visionaries of the Air.

It holds the key to higher levels of consciousness.

This totem awakens vision and inspires a creative life purpose.



A Hawk totem is filled with responsibility
because Hawk people seek the overall view.
They are aware of omens and spirit messages.

A Red-Tailed Hawk Totem is special.
It has direct ties to the Kundalini, the seat of primal life force.
It is associated with the base chakra .
If you have this Totem, you will be aware of and work towards fulfilling your soul's purpose.
It reflects a greater intensity of energy within your life: 
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual forces will all be strong within you.
The Red-Tail Hawk is a permanent totem -- it will always be with you.

It is associated with the number "14" with the Tarot card Temperance.
This card represents the teaching of higher expressions of psychic ability and vision.


I have 5 planets in my birth chart in Air Signs.  I always wanted to be a pilot.  I feel comfortable in the air.  "14" was always my lucky number, and for anyone who knows me, knows that I am a Temperate man.

I see these hawks as reinforcing what I already know of myself.  I honor their message as I've done before.

If animals come to you, see if you can find the message in their presence.  There is always a message there...


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

New Moon in Scorpio, Solar Eclipse my 5th House of True Love and Creativity!  While it should be an exciting time, I feel as though things are coming to a head in many areas of my life.  Pressed to the extreme, I am lucky to even see this New Moon.  So, lets see where all this goes...


My Intentions for this Moon:


I INTEND to heal my incredibly broken heart, once and for all, eliciting all the help from friends and family that I can find

I INTEND to hold the space for Chantal that I have for this long for one more lunar cycle, to see through the complex astrology of this time in her life and our collective.  I INTEND to do this in a most healthful and healing way, with no attachment to the outcome, but hopeful for a happy future with her.

I INTEND to focus on my life as it is now, here, in this place and with what's presented to me.  Not focusing on the future, or the past, paying close attention to the signs, signals and messages I'm being presented.

I INTEND to finalize my divorce by the next Lunar cycle.  I INTEND to create any resources needed to accomplish this once and for all.  I INTEND to be free from the past that ties me down.

I INTEND to enhance my spiritual connection in order to facilitate all of the above.


The space we are in now is incredibly intense.  I hope all of you are finding a way to cope.  Lean on each other, be close to those who love you, forgive each other, find a calm space every day.



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